20 nguồn dữ liệu vector miễn phí
09:4120 nguồn dữ liệu vector miễn phí 1. Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX) ✅ URL: data.humdata.org ✅ Data: Humanitarian-related datasets, with po...
20 nguồn dữ liệu vector miễn phí
1. Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX)
✅ URL: data.humdata.org
✅ Data: Humanitarian-related datasets, with population and infrastructure.
✅ Format: Shapefile, GeoJSON, CSV.
2. World Resources Institute (WRI) Open Data Portal
✅ URL: wri.org/data
✅ Data: Environmental and natural resource datasets.
✅ Format: Shapefile, GeoJSON, CSV.
3. Koordinates
✅ URL: koordinates.com
✅ Data: Various themes including environmental, infrastructure, and social data.
✅ Format: Shapefile, GeoJSON, KML.
4. OpenStreetMap (OSM)
✅ URL: openstreetmap.org
✅ Data: Roads, buildings, land use, and more.
✅ Format: Shapefile, GeoJSON, OSM XML.
✅ URL: hydrosheds.org/products
✅ Data: Rivers, Lakes, Basins, Waterfalls, etc.
✅ Format: Shapefile.
6. Natural Earth
✅ URL: naturalearthdata.com
✅ Data: Political boundaries, cultural, and physical features.
✅ Format: Shapefile, GeoJSON.
7. FAO GeoNetwork
✅ URL: fao.org/geonetwork
✅ Data: Agriculture, fisheries, and environmental data.
✅ Format: Shapefile, GeoJSON.
8. European Environment Agency (EEA)
✅ URL: www.europa.eu
✅ Data: Environmental themes like land cover, air quality, and biodiversity.
✅ Format: Shapefile, GeoJSON.
9. Global Forest Watch
✅ URL: globalforestwatch.org
✅ Data: Forest cover, deforestation, and land use.
✅ Format: Shapefile, GeoJSON, KML.
✅ URL: diva-gis.org
✅ Data: Country-level data on climate, population, and administrative boundaries.
11. GADM (Global Administrative Areas)
✅ URL: gadm.org
✅ Data: Administrative boundaries at multiple levels.
✅ Format: Shapefile, GeoJSON, KML.
12. USGS Earth Explorer
✅ URL: earthexplorer.usgs.gov
✅ Data: Hydrography, transportation, boundaries.
✅ Format: Shapefile, KML.
13. NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC)
✅ URL: sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu
✅ Data: Population, infrastructure, and environmental indicators.
✅ Format: Shapefile, GeoJSON, KML.
14. Africa GeoPortal
✅ URL: africageoportal.com
✅ Data: Administrative boundaries, land cover, and infrastructure across Africa.
✅ Format: Shapefile, GeoJSON.
15. Geofabrik
✅ URL: download.geofabrik.de
✅ Data: Extracts of OSM data by region.
✅ Format: Shapefile, GeoJSON, PBF.
16. UNEP Environmental Data Explorer
✅ URL: uneplive.unep.org
✅ Data: Environmental indicators and spatial datasets.
✅ Format: Shapefile, GeoJSON.
17. OpenTopography
✅ URL: opentopography.org
✅ Data: High-resolution topographic data and LIDAR.
✅ Format: Shapefile, GeoTIFF, LAS.
18. MarineRegions
✅ URL: marineregions.org
✅ Data: Exclusive economic zones (EEZs), maritime boundaries.
✅ Format: Shapefile, GeoJSON, KML.
19. Socioeconomic Data Hub (GeoNode)
✅ URL: geonode.org
✅ Data: Infrastructure, population, environmental indicators.
✅ Format: Shapefile, GeoJSON, CSV.
20. Data Basin
✅ URL: databasin.org
✅ Data: Conservation, biodiversity, and climate-related datasets.
✅ Format: Shapefile, GeoJSON.